Saturday , 27 April 2024
Ayurveda and Female Reproductive Issues

Ayurveda and Female Reproductive Issues

With today’s modern world that we lived in, most women have almost or some of us have totally forgotten about personal caring of ourselves after our monthly menses. Blood discharge is a form of blood let by our women reproductive organ monthly and we tend to assume that each female would go through this process monthly and there is nothing to worry about it. It will repeat again next month.

We often hear these common health issues:

  • Pre Menstrual Symptoms
  • Heavy Bleeding
  • Blood Clot and Smelly Discharge
  • Amenorrhea
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Leucorrhea
  • Hematuria
  • Infertility
  • Fibroids
  • PCOS
  • Endometritis / and Endometriosis

If you can recall at what age you had your first period? It would probably be around the age of between 12-15 or for some of us, or it could be even much later. However for today’s girl, puberty begin as early as 9 years old. We asked ourselves why is this happening? A very simple reason lies in our food supply chain. In today’s commercial food production, food is produced in larger quantities in the possible shortest time frame. And to achieve this, a variety of growth hormone, antibiotics and chemicals are used to expedite production of these products. For example – reared animals are reared by injecting hormones and antibiotics in today farming methods and these animals are just reared to minimum maturity and they would be send to the slaughter house. These hormones in the meat that we buy from the commercial place would naturally be eaten and absorbed via our digestive system into the body. Even before the female person reaches puberty, their hormone system would have already being stimulated and matured and thus trigger the early activation of their menstrual cycle. And yet there is still a lack of proper development of their reproductive organs.

Menstrual problems can also be triggered by many factors. These include poor and wrong diet, family environment, fear of growing up, depression and in the growing up stage – it does affect their own mental aspect of maturity and also the physical aspect of their menstrual cycle. It is an indication of a general imbalance with emotional imbalance that stress and upsets their normal secretion of hormones regulating menstruation. Thus depending which doshas is imbalanced, it thus trigger some of the disorders that I have listed above.

How do we treat it? A very obvious observation and key importance is to assess our diet after you have make a simple assessment on the type of disorder that you have as a guideline that I have listed in the early part of this blog about Ayurvedic food and nutrition. You would first need an anti Vata, or anti Pitta or an anti Kapha diet to improve your food digestion and absorption level. You would also need to consider and assess your mucosal discharge, excessive sex, intake of antibiotics, veneral diseases, infections, late onset, nausea, swollen breasts, any inflammation factors. In Ayurveda there are many methods to address all these disorders such as herbs to correct the root cause of the female reproductive disorder, cleansing and detoxification program follow by rejuvenating your reproductive system. All these needs a consult by an Ayurvedic practitioner before any formal prescription of the treatment plan is to be given to any individual female.

Check out the Female Gynecological Disorders Guide

About Kim Hoi

Hi! I'm Kim! I am a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner from Australia. After graduated from my Ayurvedic course, I attended trainings in Ayurvedic clinics in both Australia and India. Postings in this blog are all written with passion to improve health of not only myself but also my family and at the same time to share my experience with my friends and readers who are interested to find out more on improving and be in better health. If you need a private consult, you are welcome to contact me.

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